
I am interested in knowing how Tuscany supports SCA Assembly Spec 1.0
section 1.8

1.8 SCA Definitions
2491 There are a variety of SCA artifacts which are generally useful
and which are not specific to a
2492 particular composite or a particular component. These shared
artifacts include intents, policy
2493 sets, bindings, binding type definitions and implementation type
2494 All of these artifacts within an SCA Domain are defined in a
global, SCA Domain-wide file named
2495 definitions.xml. The definitions.xml file contains a definitions
element that conforms to the
2496 following pseudo-schema snippet:
2497 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
2498 <!-- Composite schema snippet -->
2499 <definitions xmlns="http://www.osoa.org/xmlns/sca/1.0";
2500 targetNamespace="xs:anyURI">
2502 <sca:intent/>*
2504 <sca:policySet/>*
2506 <sca:binding/>*
2508 <sca:bindingType/>*
2510 <sca:implementationType/>*
2512 </definitions>

What interest me are:

1. on a high level, how many places Tuscany can honor definitions.xml?

e.g. definitions.xml is in a system class library,  and/or
definitions.xml in a contribution that can be contributed to a SCA
domain by using

I remember seeing a thread of discussion, will appreciate a link to
the answers .

2. I assume regardless how definitions.xml is introduced into a
domain, there is an aggregated view on the intents, policySets,
bindings, bindingTypes, implementationTypes supported for the system.

Is there some API/SPI somewhere to do a query and return the list?

3.  What contents are supported for definitions.xml in Tuscany

I understand we can define intents and policySets in definitions.xml
today. How about binding , bindingType and implementationType.  I
understand Tuscany has extension points to register binding types and
implementation types. I wonder if/how we plan to support using
definitions.xml for implementation type and binding type and how the
two will work together.

E.g. if definitions.xml can introduce additional binding type or
implementation type through contribution, it will mean the
implementation of the new bindingType or implementationType can be in
a contribution related classLibrary we can add and remove during the
lifecycle of a domain...

Looking forward to some answers.


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