I was playing with the Tuscany 1.2 tools to go trough the Getting
Started Guide steps to build the Store Scenario. After necessary code
updates to accommodate changes from our latest release, I noticed the
following issues :

- Creating the project and only adding the Tuscany library, the SCA
Domain is not recognized, so the launch app does not work...

- Looks like there is TargetNameSpace validation when using "Run as
Tuscany" from eclipse, but this is not happening using host-embedded
(a.k.a regular SCADomain). Below is small piece of the error I get...
and a workaround is to add targetNameSpace to your composite file.
   javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException: Non-default namespace can not
map to empty URI (as per Namespace 1.0 # 2) in XML 1.0 documents

- Then, after I ignore things, or workaround other issues, I can't
make Store Sample to work using "Run as Tuscany". The store.js is not
being properly generated and it's giving the error below :
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0

Well, I'm starting to investigate this further, but wanted to share
here in case people have ideas and/or suggestions... otherwise I'd
post my findings as a response.

Luciano Resende
Apache Tuscany Committer

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