Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
Anyhow if this code is doing what I think it's doing then maybe we should
move it to be a little earlier in the process and more general than the sca binding. We could take the checking code you have here and put it a little
higher up where the reference targets are identified. If you are able to
check a test in the I could have a look at this if you like.

OK, I'll post here as soon as the test is in. Thanks.

It's in now, I've added tutorial/store-client (a client for store-supplier) and tutorial/store-test.

Store-test starts the domain manager, the catalogs, store-supplier and store-client nodes, then looks up the client service and invokes it. The client service orders 5 oranges puts them in the shopping cart, the test then checks that the total prices is as expected.

The test looks pretty simple but actually exercises a lot of the SCA domain, node, distributed wiring and configuration logic, Java components with a Derby database integration as well as a mix of the WebService, SCA-local and Atom bindings.

Hope this helps.

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