After lots of issues, I can now successfully expose a BPEL component
using the Tuscany WS Binding.
Let me try to summarize the issues I found, and how I fixed and/or
workarounded them:

- TUSCANY-2316 - The ws-binding was overriding the databinding
definition on the contract and causing issues. I have cloned the
interface contract in the axis binding code

- TUSCANY-2321 - When invoking the BPEL component from a regular pojo,
the databinding framework was passing a DOM Element during invocation,
but when the BPEL component was exposed using ws-binding it was
receiving a DOM Document. I have workarounded this issue in impl-bpel
by supporting the two DOM Object types for now.

- The last issue was related to how the ws-binding calculates the wsdl
service QName. When exposing the BPEL component as webservice, the
ws-binding (Axis2ServiceClient.setServiceAndPort) the service QName
was being calculated to " {ns}HelloPortType_Service" instead of "
{ns}HelloService" as defined in the wsdl, I have workarounded this by
explicitly defining the service as part of the in the the
composite file like :<
It would be good if someone could jump and give a quick help here.

I have committed all the fixes/workaround mentioned above, and also
added a itest/bpel/helloworld-ws project that exposes a BPEL component
using webservices (ws-binding).

Please let me know if you have questions/comments.

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 5:10 AM, Mike Edwards
> Ashwini Kumar Jeksani wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Most of my deployment issues were resolved after I changed to the latest
>> release of Tuscany (version 1.2).
>> Now the code is working fine without errors but I am unable to invoke a
>> webservice
>> Nothing is happening beyond this..
>>     [java] >>> Invoking a partner operation: approveDataLoad
>> No invocation at the webservice side as well.
>> If anyone tried invoking a webservice from bpel please help me.
>> Thanks & Regards
>> Ashwini Kumar Jeksani
>> P.S: Previous mails posted in [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Ashwini,
> As you can perhaps see from some of the other emails being posted to the
> tuscany-dev list, we have found some significant problems with the BPEL code
> when trying to invoke a BPEL service via Web services.  So it is not
> surprising that your code does not work at the moment.
> Luciano and myself are trying to get to grips with issues related to the
> databindings and the BPEL invocation code that have problems with the format
> of the data presented to the BPEL process when the Web service invocation
> occurs.  This code has not been exercised before and does not work at
> present.  With luck we shall have it sorted out in a day or so.
> Yours,  Mike.

Luciano Resende
Apache Tuscany Committer

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