On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 1:19 PM, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 12:01 PM, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> I'm looking at TUSCANY-2352 (which I raised when I was doing some policy
>> testing). The issue is that promoted service bindings aren't augmented with
>> the composite service bindings that promote them. Looking at the
>> BaseWireBuilderImpl code there is a method called
>> reconcileReferenceBindings() that does this job for references. There
>> doesn't appear to be the equivalent for services though. I'm going to go
>> ahead and add something like a reconcileServiceBindings() method unless
>> someone can point me at the code that already tries to do this or explain
>> why we apparently only do this on the reference side?
>> Regards
>> Simon
> I have found the method
> BaseConfigurationBuilderImpl.configureNestedCompositeServices() that is
> taking the composite service bindings and creating a new "promoted" service
> in the promoted component to hold them. This doesn't get called until after
> references and services have been matched though which is too late for the
> EndpointBuilder to use the composite service bindings for reference/service
> matching.  The order of calls in the top level CompositeBuilder is;
>         // Collect and fuse includes
>         compositeIncludeBuilder.build(composite);
>         // Expand nested composites
>         compositeCloneBuilder.build(composite);
>         // Configure all components
>         componentConfigurationBuilder.build(composite);
>         // Wire the components
>         componentWireBuilder.build(composite);
>         // Configure composite services
>         compositeServiceConfigurationBuilder.build(composite);
>         // Wire the composite references
>         compositeReferenceWireBuilder.build(composite);
> The service binding resolution happens in
> compositeServiceConfigurationBuilder.build(composite); So slightly different
> question. Anyone know why compositeServiceConfigurationBuilder comes after
> componentWireBuilder?
> Simon

I have a fix for this that gets a clean build but I'd like a bit of feedback
before I commit. Here's what the change involves

Change the order of the build processing as follows:

        // Collect and fuse includes

        // Expand nested composites

        // Configure all components

        // Compute the polices across the composite/component hierarchy

        // Configure composite services

        // Wire the components

        // Wire the composite references

I split out the policy processing  as part of a previous change so that the
part that connects composite services/references to promoted
services/references and then computes polices can be run independently. To
take account of this I removed the processing that is now done by
compositePolicyBuilder.build(composite); from

With these changes in place I moved
compositeServiceConfigurationBuilder.build(composite); to happen before the
wiring stage.

The final change I made was to ensure that, during wiring, when services are
indexed for internal processing the algorithm disregards services whose
names start with $promoted$ as these are now present before wiring starts.

There are two impacts to this change that I want to highlight;

1 - $promoted$ services are present during wiring
2- The build process will take a little longer as the references/services
are indexed twice.

I'm still asking here if anyone knows why the composite service building
phase was placed after wiring. Now I've looked into it in some detail I can
guess but would be useful to know what the original thinking was.



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