Hi all,

The Tuscany SCA Java release 0.90 will be available next week and now a discussion has started to figure out what can be in the next release.

It would be great to get user feedback on what your wish list is and if there are areas that need attention. I am forwarding this email to the user list to help figure out what is important to you.

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
ant elder wrote:
With the 0.90 release almost out how about starting on 0.91? Its been almost
3 weeks since the code chill for 0.90, be good if we could start doing
releases much more regularly and 4 - 6 weeks for a small point release seems good to me, so how about aiming for cutting an 0.91 branch in a week or 2? The main things I'd like to get out are the improvements to the scripting
scripting support with optional .componentType sidefiles and dynamic
interfaces, and the ajax binding and jsonrpc binding simplification and
unification. With those, the new feed binding and the port of the aggregator sample that would give 0.91 a sort of web20/scripting focus, and doing it
quick like this should make it relatively easy to get done by using the
trunk stability from 0.90.


In addition to what you listed here, I looked at your "next release work items" list at [1] and there are a few other items from that list + some that were not in your list that I'd like to get into the next release:

[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/tuscany-dev%40ws.apache.org/msg18127.html

Web Service binding
- work without pre-existing wsdl doc
- async
- Fix open jira's about ?wsdl and endpoint url
- get the Axis2 REST support to work, I tried today and I think that our TuscanyServlet blocks it

- ability to serve HTML files when we embed Jetty or Tomcat

- get going again, I think it's starting to work again as Simon is using it for his SCA domain experiments

Spring container
- get it going again, Mike Edwards seems to have made good progress at getting it working again, from what I can see in his recent commit

SCA Assembly and Domain
- include some what Simon Laws has started to allow components to be in multiple runtimes - a number of detail fixes and improvements, support for multiple bindings on references for example
- support for import/export in SCA contributions

- don't want to always distribute *everything*
- maybe distributions targeting each runtime and you can ± extensions when
you build the distro?

- add missing APIs like RequestContext
- would be good to get a first cut of some conversational support

Most of this can be done relatively quickly, so having the next release in 4/6 weeks sounds good to me. I agree with you that we should have much more frequent releases from now on, as our SPIs and core are now stable and we're starting to see good progress with extensions.

So, we could cut a new branch soon (I'd suggest in 2 or 2.5 weeks rather than 1 week), and having the release branch in place will allow us to decide for each feature or bug fix if we keep it in trunk only (because it's likely to not be ready for that release) or trunk + the branch.



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