Florian Rosenberg wrote:

we have created a component implementation for a small RESTful composition
language which does not support references to other components, now we want
to add support for that. The component implementation is similar to BPEL,
but without all the WSDL and partnerlink stuff. Just support for REST and
custom activities to extend the language.

An example of using it in the composite file is:
<component name="FeedsAggregatorComponent">
            path="feeds" url="getFeeds"
            contentType="text/xml" />
        <reference name="aggregate" target="AggregateServiceComponent" />

<!-- other stuff goes here -->

I need to tell our Splice engine where the references are and how it can
resolve it. The problem is that from the Reference instance, I cannot
retrieve an invoker instance to invoke my target as specified in the
<reference /> tag. AFAIK, i need a binding and an operation instance to get
an Invoker instance. The binidng is not a problem is can be retrieved from
the reference instance. Furthermore, I need an operation instance; the name
of the operation corresponds to some value in the process definition that I

To get the operations i need the interface and thus its interface contract
first. When I do a
InterfaceContract contract = _reference.getTargets().get

getTargets().get(0).getInterfaceContract() returns the interface on the service that the reference is wired to.

From the component you pasted above I'm guessing that it must be a service on the AggregateServiceComponent, and I'm also guessing that it's the only service on that component since you didn't specify a service name in the reference target attribute.

Can you post the XML describing AggregateServiceComponent?

Another comment is that you shouldn't rely on the interface of the target service (as there may be no target service if your reference is configured to talk to an external endpoint with a binding instead of being wired with a target attribute) to determine the interface that should be used on the reference.

More below on this subject, and how you can type your reference with an interface contract.

it is always null, so I cannot get the interface and iterate over its
operations to find a matching one. If I would have the operation I could
establish a binding.

Invoker invoker = _reference.getInvoker(bindings.get(0), referencedOp);
Message request = _messageFactory.createMessage();
// here the Splice engine can call the reference

I do the whole stuff in the implementation provider class (where I also
configure the engine).

Any help and pointers are highly appreciated. I'm stuck with that for a
couple of times now. By the way, this message occurs in the logs, but I'm
not really sure if it is the source of my problem:
WARNING: [WARNING] Reference not found for component reference:
FeedsAggregatorComponent/aggregate null

You're seeing this because you declared a ComponentReference declaration named aggregate on your Component and we couldn't find a Reference definition named aggregate on the ComponentType describing your Component. We'll have to make that error message more clear :)

Here's more background on the relationship between a ComponentReference and a Reference and a Component and a ComponentType:

- A Component (<component>) is an instance of a ComponentType (<componentType>). Basically you can have multiple components of the same type, configured differently, with different wiring, bindings or property configuration for example.

- A ComponentType is typically reflected from an Implementation. For example we can introspect a Java implementation class, or a BPEL process implementation and derive a ComponentType from it, describing the characteristics of the implementation. In the Tuscany SCA assembly model, Implementation extends ComponentType.

- If you don't want to derive the ComponentType from the Implementation, you can also just write by hand an XML file, .componentType, describing it.

- In both cases, the ComponentType lists the Properties supported by the type, the Services and References supported by the type and their InterfaceContracts (Interface and callback Interface).

- A <component> element declares a Component. The Component will have an ComponentReference for each Reference on its ComponentType, a ComponentService for each Service on the ComponentType, a ComponentProperty for each Property on the ComponentType.

An analogy with Java may help describe these:
Component == an Object with field declarations and the ability to set values in the fields.
Implementation == a concrete Class that can be instantiated into Objects.
ComponentType == an abstract Class defining the field and its type and default value.

So, to summarize:

- The message you're getting complains that you're trying to configure ComponentReference "aggregate" on your Component, but your ComponentType didn't define any Reference named "aggregate".

- To get an "aggregate" Reference on your ComponentType you can either write by hand a .componentType file describing the splice flow in src/main/resources/flowdir/ or inspect your splice flow and derive its references and populate the references in your splice Implementation model object.

Here's a pointer to a sample Implementation extension that does that for Services:

Creating References should be very similar, I'm thinking that we should try to enhance that sample to cover References as well at some point :)

When you create the References objects you can set their InterfaceContract like we do for Services in the sample.

Hope this helps...

If you need more infor let me know.

Best regards,


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