Simon Laws wrote:

The assumption I'm making from the info you gave is that you want to have
two SCA components communicate with the same domain but be able to specify
the WSDL that the web services binding uses.  I guess what you would need to
be able to do is specify a binding something like....

    <component name="MyClientComponent">
        < class="org.apache.tuscany.SomeImpl"/>
        <reference name="myService" target="MyServiceComponent/MyService">
           < wsdlElement=""/>

Where you are referencing a WSDL binding but not providing a service
location with a view to having the domain sort this out for you. A similar
thing would appear on the service end also.

This all sounds plausible but I just took a look at the SCA WebServices
binding specification and it says that when the #wsdl.binding form is used
the endpoint address URI must be provided via the URI attribute on the
binding which makes it a little difficult for the domain logic to help you
out. There is a possibility that this is a fault in the spec in this case
but let me try a few experiments and think about it a little before we call
it out. If others know the answer now feel free to jump in.

My understanding is that wiring is not limited to the SCA binding. It's probably a bug in the WS binding spec, which should allow the WS endpoint address to be determined through wiring in the domain.

In other words the above XML snippet should be made to work.


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