Simon Laws wrote:
On Jan 23, 2008 11:23 AM, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have successfully created and tested stateless callback service with
webapp with Tuscany-1.0.
Now have a problem with Tuscnay-1.1-RC3......
My stateless service was deployed in Tomcat as a war(Tomcat was running
Now my problem is as below, i got following error on client side when i
to run my client(stateless callback)....


Hi Nishant

Can you say something more about the composites you are running and how
you are running them, for example, from the text above it appears that you
are running a client and a server.

server = Tomcat on port 8080
     component - a component providing a service that will callback to the

client = Java application?
     component - a component that will talk to the server service and also
provide a callback service

I assume you are running both of these on the same machine.

Assuming that all of this is true and looking at the error trace I would
guess that what is happening is that the SCA runtime is trying to bring the
client callback service up on Jetty on port 8080, The same port that Tomcat
is already running on.

You could confirm this by starting Tomcat on a different port to see what

If this is the case then you could switch to the Node implementation will
will choose a free port so that this clash doesn't happen. Having said this
I seem to remember seeing a post about callback binding configuration. I'll
see if I can find it as it might provide a more straightforward solution.



Hi Nishant

Firstly did you get past your Net bind exception?

As a follow up to this. I've been trying a scenario that is similar to the
one you describe and experienced the same kind of problem. I tried first
with the default app container that we ship with 1.1 which is Jetty. When
this failed I went in and fully specified the URIs on the callback bindings
as well as the forward bindings. This still failed with Jetty on the client
side. However when I changed over to Tomcat on the client side it worked OK
and I see a forward message passing from client to the service running as a
webapp in Tomcat which in turn results in a callback passing back to the

So another thing to try is host-tomcat in place of host-jetty for the client
application. The service is still deployed as a webapp in Tomcat.

Let me know how you get on.

Also it would be useful to have your scenario as a test case for future
release. Would you consider contributing it?



Sorry, I missed this the first time around.  Can you post more specific
details of the scenario (yours, not Nishant's) that fails with 1.1?
Is it based on one of the existing samples or itests?


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