Thank you all that participated on the chat, this was very productive time.
Below is the IRC log:

* rfeng ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has
joined #tuscany
<lresende> slaws, yt ?
* halehM ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #Tuscany
<slaws> hi
<lresende> slaws, i have a question for you, but i guess we should
start the 1.2 discussion first...
<slaws> ok
<lresende> Hi everyone, thanks for joining....
<lresende> First, I'd like to check with you guys how are things going
related to the 1.2 release, and if you guys have outstanding work in
progress now...
<lresende> this might influence when I cut the release branch
<slaws> the part I have a question on is the workspace piece that
sebastien has been working on
<rfeng> hi
<lresende> slaws, well, i guess he is not here at the moment, but
what's your question ?
* ant_ ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has
joined #tuscany
<slaws> do we convert samples to use workspace?
<lresende> so, i guess I saw some changes to convert
calculator-distributed to use it, right ?
<slaws> calculator-distributed runs on my PC (but not on continuum for
some reason) but there are others that could usefully be converted to
give a more consistent picture
<rfeng> how much is the effort to convert?
<lresende> I'm not sure we need/want to convert all other samples to
it, it probably would make them more complex... no ?
<lresende> btw, it does not run on my machine, so I guess it's a linux issue
<ant_> ...and it seems very last minute to be considering it for this release
* nash ([EMAIL PROTECTED]/ibm/x-da5c9ffb7b6b2b88) has joined #tuscany
<lresende> yes, I think that, if we have one sample
(calculator-distributed) working with workspace is enough...
considering time
<nash> hi, sorry to join late.. setup problems
<rfeng> i can run it on windows
<lresende> hi nash, we just started, discussing if people have any
outstanding in progress work for 1.2
<nash> not much from me :-(
<lresende> rfeng, i can't run calculator-distributed in red hat, and
continuum is using ubuntu
<nash> a bit of progress with 2033 today, but doubt that it will make 1.2
<slaws> Ok - am just compiling on linux but taking a while
<slaws> on the previous point - ok by me - i'll add some words to the
release note pointing out this is experimental and things are in flux
<lresende> slaws, great....
<lresende> any other in progress items for 1.2 ?
<slaws> other than that I'm doing JIRA
<lresende> I have one jira related to multiple contribution and one or
two jira related to ant scripts that I need to work on, but that
probably can be done in paralel with the branch
<rfeng> I'm working with Venkat on some policy stuff, but not sure how
much we can finish for 1.2
<slaws> i saw a few sample related JIRA - can we clear those before we
take the branch
<slaws> let me see...
<halehM> is it worth to go through the 1.2 Jira list?
<lresende> yes, we can look at jiras in a sec, let me just ask rfeng
about his last message
<lresende> rfeng, so, for the policy stuff, can that be done on the
branch, or do you want me to hold the branch for couple more days ?
<rfeng> it probably has to be incremental.
<lresende> I guess I/we can continue with some work in trunk, and take
the branch on Monday morning if that helps
<rfeng> maybe it's too late for 1.2
<lresende> rfeng, ok then
<lresende> ok, so if no other issues, we can then look at JIRAs for
1.2 as suggested by halehM ?
<nash> would it make sense to start wth the ciritical ones?
<lresende> here is the link :
* Venkat ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #tuscany
<nash> is this just for JIRAs targeted at 1.2?
<lresende> nash, so, discuss JIRAs by priority ?
<nash> we can do it in either order
<lresende> yes, these are just the 1.2 ? do we want to look at the
whole set of jiras ?
<nash> at least the critical ones
<nash> i'm fine to start with the 1.2 list
<lresende> ok, so let's start with 1.2 and we look at the critical
ones from the "java-sca-next" right after
<lresende>   TUSCANY-2050
<lresende> this is still unassigned, but looks like rfeng requested wsdl/xsds
<lresende> no updates from user yet i guess
<lresende> TUSCANY-1997 is marked in progress by jsdelfino
<nash> there is a comment suggesting it may be a problem in ws-commons
<nash> sorry that was on 2050.  slow
<rfeng> let me check 2050
<nash> maybe we need to move forward to a new release of ws-commons
<rfeng> we probably have to move it as part of axis2 1.4
<lresende> so, probably not for sca 1.2, right ?
<nash> it's shame that we can't just move ws-commons on its own
<nash> don't the ws-common folks bother with upward compatibiity?
<rfeng> it will be messy with the maven transitive dependencies
<rfeng> for 2050, the reporter doesn't provide his test case
<nash> ok i understand
<nash> i will try to recreate 2050
<lresende> ok
<nash> the description looks pretty clear
<lresende> TUSCANY-2081,TUSCANY-2067,TUSCANY-2083 are classloader/osgi
related... looks like Rajini working on it...
<lresende> TUSCANY-2068 is also osgi related, but looks like ant is
working on it ?
<lresende> ant, how is it going with this jira ?
<lresende> sorry, going back to 2050, what's our decision here ?
<ant_> 2068, i've just applied and closed
<lresende> nash, so you are going to look at it and try to address it for 1.2 ?
<lresende> ant_, great, thanks for 2068
<nash> i am going to try to recreate it.  if I succeed, I will
investigate further
<lresende> nash, thanks, please assigned it to you if you can
reproduce it then...
<lresende> TUSCANY-2056 is the next on the list ... related to conversations...
<lresende> slaws, r u working on it ?
<slaws> not just yet but will be
<lresende> still for 1.2 ?
<slaws> hope so
<lresende> k, so TUSCANY-2056 are still going to be target by 1.2, and
slaws is going to look at it
<nash> not much luck with recreating 2050..  plan B is to update the
JIRA with my results and hope Clemens bites
<lresende> TUSCANY-1718, this is a user having issues with multiple
contributions....looks like there are resolution issues with multiple
contributions exporting the same namespace, I can reproduce it, and
I'm debuging it
<lresende> TUSCANY-1964 it's intermitent, this looks like a
loading/timing issue... the fix might be as simple as re arranging the
html/script on the html page
<lresende> I'm still targetting to 1.2
<lresende>   TUSCANY-1921 spring related, has a patch that i'm going to apply
<lresende> TUSCANY-1794 is minor, related to ant scripts, and I'm
going to fix when i go over the samples for 1.2
<lresende> so, should we move to "java-sca-next" ?
<slaws> there are a few like this on the full list
<slaws> i would leave it against 1.2 to see if we can knock then out
<lresende> slaws, if you know of specific ones, please change them to 1.2
<lresende> i have fixed couple of them on the last week or so
<slaws> k
<lresende> like the ones related to ant targets that were
inconsistent, some duplicated jars, etc
<slaws> y - would reduce a bit of noise if we can sort them as we go
through samples next week
<lresende> if anyone have specific jiras they want to see addressed in
1.2, please feel free to move them to 1.2 category
<lresende> this would make things more visible and would help me as well :)
<rfeng> I also want to put together a whitepaper to describe our
webapp Geronimo integration story
<lresende> rfeng, good... I can help with this if you want
<lresende> but I guess documentation can go in paralel with release
preparation and votes :) right ?
<rfeng> y
<lresende> ok
<lresende> so, how do we want to address the full list ? looks like we
have a mis of current and old jiras there
<lresende> going one by one ? as we did for the 1.2 jiras ?
<halehM> there are a few JIRAs marked as critical.
<nash> start with the critical ones and work down.. you have them in that order
<slaws> well we can sort it by priority as look at the high priority
ones at least
<lresende> TUSCANY-1840, this is a feature request for Bootstrapping a
subset of Tuscany runtime to support object modeling in tools
<lresende> anyone looking into this ? this is probably not going to make 1.2
<halehM> I had asked for more info from the person who filed.
<halehM> no response
<lresende> k, thanks for update
<lresende> TUSCANY-2074 -  Component Service not coming up.
<lresende> looks like this is being discussed on the list
<lresende> anyone looking at this ?
<slaws> looks like ant has been tracking this
<lresende> ant_, r u working on 2074 ?
* ant_ is now known as ant_Distracted
<lresende> :)
<ant_Distracted> yes
<lresende> do you think it's going to be addressed in 1.2 ?
<ant_Distracted> though likely is problems related to the app not tuscany
<lresende> i see, so what do you want to do with this jira ?
<ant_Distracted> leave it there for now?
<lresende> k
<lresende> TUSCANY-2033 - java interface exposed as service, annoted
with is ignoring the namespace
<nash> i just updated this
<nash> with an exact description of the issue and a test case
<nash> rfeng, you assigned it to yourself
<nash> are you working on it?
<lresende> so, what do we want to do with 2033 ?
<rfeng> checking
<nash> it looks like quite a bit of work to add code checking for
interface compatibility
<lresende> ok, so probably not for 1.2 ?
<rfeng> we now have interface-java-jaxws integrated. let me verify if
it works now
<nash> there needs to be an update in CompositeWireBuilderImpl as well
<nash> the problem is lack of error checking
<nash> as written his program is incorrect
<nash> it should fail
<nash> with an error message
<rfeng> 2033?
<nash> yes
<nash> see my latest comments and attached test case
<nash> it can be changed to make it work but as written is incorrect
<nash> maybe we are talking about a different issue
<nash> i am talking about the original problem as reported in the JIRA
<nash> the composite file is wrong
<nash> but no error is reported
<rfeng> ok, can you lower the priority and defer it then
<rfeng> ?
<nash> yes that should be OK as we have given the user a workaround.
it is already deferred so I just need to lower the priority
<nash> i think we should also lower the priority of 1840
<nash> if the reporter can't be bothered to respond then there is no
way it's critical
<lresende> k, let me change their priorities...
<lresende> let me skip TUSCANY-1152, unless anyone have any comments on it
<lresende> TUSCANY-1775 is next
<lresende> well, let me ask about time, should we keep going ? or
maybe schedule another IRC session to go over the JIRAs ?
<nash> ican offer to take 2 of these
<nash> 1717 and 1860
<Venkat> lresende, I can take care of 1775
<nash> maybe we can go through page by page asking everyone if they
are willing to offer
<nash> not each one individually
<lresende> are these jiras going to be part of 1.2 ?
<jozoppi> hi
<lresende> so, if you guys like this aproach, maybe we could continue
with this suggestion (page/page) on monday ? same channel, same time ?
<lresende> jozoppi, hi
<slaws> hi jozoppi
<jozoppi> hi guys
<nash> i will lok at 1398 to see if it is still failing
* pombreda has quit (No route to host)
<nash> lresende, that depends on when the cutoff is for 1.2 :-)
<lresende> nash, thanks, please assign to your name if you are working on it
<slaws> in the mean time can people take another scan through the JIRA
list to see if there any more we can just close out as they are no
longer relevant or have already been fixed
<nash> iwill asiign the 3 i mentioned
<slaws> means less to look through :-)
<rfeng> +1
<lresende> +1
<lresende> so, let me look at page 1
<lresende> TUSCANY-1599 is probably a candidate for 1.2
<lresende> let me move it
<nash> lresende, i am on page 2 and I noticed 2015... dependency on
<nash> we can't release 1.2 until that's resolved
<lresende> nash, so, looks like that is needed, there is a bug on the
latest release of felix
<lresende> nash, but we had the same issue in 1.0.1
<nash> that was a long time ago... was it the same bug?
* Venkat ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has left #tuscany
<nash> i recall a more recent discussion on the list about this
<lresende> nash, I think rajini explained on the list what the issue
is, we might check if there is a new release of felix out
<lresende> but I'd rather exclude the iTest from the distro, if we
have a problem for 1.2
<lresende> as this is really a felix issue
<nash> excluding the itest would be fine
<lresende> k
<slaws> we took the exclusion route with 1.1. IIRC
<lresende> good...
<lresende> TUSCANY-1953 should this be moved to 1.2 as well ?
<nash> yes if someone can work on it
<lresende> TUSCANY-1950 this is an old one, do we think we can address
this for 1.2 ?
* oisin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #tuscany
<lresende> jozoppi, you are quiet :) anything you are looking for 1.2 ?
<jozoppi> guys
<jozoppi> i'm planning to work on my jiras this weekend
<nash> 1950 would be good.  a small irritation for users that probably
does not take long for someone who knows the code.
<jozoppi> so i can post a paper for CoreGrid Symposioum on August
<lresende> jozoppi, cool
<nash> stepping away for 2 mins
<slaws> i'm working on getting the code we have so far checked in
today so we have a base to work from for this - won't be a 1.2 item
<slaws> I won't include it in the main build just yet
<jozoppi> yes I agree
<lresende> are people ok with NOT addressing TUSCANY-1994 for 1.2 ?
<jozoppi> i'll skim a jira list and i see if i'll be able to give an hand
<nash> looking at 1994 now
<lresende> 1994 is related to the ode server database being packaged
inside the jar
<nash> i applied a workaround.  we can leave that in place for 1.2.
at sme would it would be good to figure out why it doesn't work as
<lresende> k
<nash> sorry that shoud have been: "at some point it would"
<nash> does that mean we can repackage to solve the problem?
<lresende> probably, maybe i can look at this again for 1.2
<nash> are we building the jar even though it is unusable?  it would
be good to not build it.
<slaws> we shipped the jar in 1.1
<lresende> k, agreed
<lresende> i have changed it to 1.2
<nash> i would like to make 2035 as resolved.  i have not had any
feedback (good or bad) on my fix
<nash> s/make/mark/
<lresende> nash, please if you are confortable with it, resolve the issue...
<nash> will do.  i am hoping the fix will solve 1860 as well.  i'll
run the test to check.
<lresende> cool
<nash> when do we expect to take the 1.2 branch?
<lresende> well, i was planning to do sometime after today... but with
these changes maybe by monday ? what others think ?
<slaws> monday sounds more sensible to me
<lresende> more sensible = better ?
<nash> monday will give me chance to make some progress.  before that
would mean I can't do any fixes.
<lresende> ok, so I'd plan for monday
<lresende> it shouldn't make much difference
<lresende> any other issues you guys want to discuss ?
<lresende> well, thanks, this was a very productive chat.. I'll send a
transcript to the list
<slaws> thx - luciano
<jozoppi> I'll  see 2062, because i'm working with interoperability
<lresende> good jozoppi, thanks
<rfeng> thanks

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 4:24 PM, Luciano Resende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Small update, IRC chat is actually Friday 14th.
>  >  SCA 1.2 IRC Chat
>  >  Date : Friday 14th, 08:00 AM PST
> >  IRC Server :
>  >  IRC Channel : #tuscany
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Luciano Resende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I have started a wiki page to help us discuss and track the contents
>  >  of Java SCA 1.2 Release. I think that a IRC chat would also help us
>  >  finalize the contents and identify any other item we might want to
>  >  include in the release. Below is my proposal :
>  >
>  >  SCA 1.2 IRC Chat
>  >  Date : Friday 13th, 08:00 AM PST
>  >  IRC Server :
>  >  IRC Channel : #tuscany
>  >
>  >  More details on connecting to IRC available on our website [1].
>  >
>  >  [1]
>  >
>  >  On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 11:31 AM, Luciano Resende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>  >  > I have created a wiki page to help us centralize and track contents
>  >  >  for the Java SCA 1.2 release. I'm going to start looking into the
>  >  >  commit logs to check the new features, but owners feel free to update
>  >  >  the wiki as desired. I'm also going to create a local distribution and
>  >  >  verify the sample status, and create any jira for the issues I find.
>  >  >  Any help is appreciated.
>  >  >
>  >  >  [1] 
>  >  >
>  >  >  --
>  >  >  Luciano Resende
>  >  >  Apache Tuscany Committer
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >  --
>  >  Luciano Resende
>  >  Apache Tuscany Committer
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  --
> Luciano Resende
>  Apache Tuscany Committer

Luciano Resende
Apache Tuscany Committer

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