
I have been programming in Python for about a year.  We use Python 2.3;
we haven't migrated to 2.4 because the Real-time OS we use in our test
systems doesn't yet support it.  I have the four O'Reilly 'standards' as
well ("Nutshell", "Learning", "Cookbook", and "Programming").  I use
"Nutshell" and "Learning" the most by far.  When I'm looking for a
detailed example of some implementation I will look through "Cookbook"
or "Programming", but when I need to look up usage or syntax, or remind
myself how some feature works, I go to "Nutshell" first and then
"Learning" I use them both nearly every day.  I find that "Nutshell"
supports 2.3 very well.  Don't know about 2.4.  

Another book I have just found that may turn out useful is "Python
Programming Patterns"  by Thomas W. Christopher, published by Prentice
Hall PTR.  From the reviews I've read, It isn't really a 'design
patterns' book in the usual sense, but it contains good demonstrations
of applying Python to solve real problems.  I don't know for myself yet,
as I just ordered it yesterday.  We'll see.  

"Never trust anything that can think for itself 
if you can't see where it keeps its brain" 
JK Rowling
> -----Original Message-----
> ------------------------------
> Message: 10
> Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 02:18:20 +0000
> From: nephish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Tutor] nutshell review
> To:
> Content-Type: text/plain
> lo there,
> i know this comes up from time to time. i am considering buying
> in a nutshell'. All the reviews i have read for it are very good. But
> only covers up to python 2.2. i use 2.3 at work, and tinker with 2.4
> home. As good a reference as it is, is it too dated to be that good
> still ? i have 'Learning Python' and 'Programming Python'. Learning is
> awesome for me, Programming is a bit over my head.
>       any suggestions?

Tutor maillist  -

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