> Does this book fully integrate 2.4/2.5 language and module additions?

yes, and even some minor stuff that's "guaranteed" to be in 2.6, i.e.,
as and with become keywords, the continued extinction of string
exceptions, the continuing migration towards absolute and relative
importing, etc.  here is the PEP for the 2.6 release:

> The first Python book I read presented core elements from a
> list-tuple-dictionary perspective.

my approach is more from an object perspective.  once you fully
understand Python's treatment of objects, memory management,
references, etc., then i compare/contrast all of the standard types
and how they relate to one another, again, from that perspective, NOT:
"Python has numbers, strings, lists, tuples, and dictionaries, and
here is how to use them." the book's "manifesto" or philosophy is
available at its website:
http://corepython.com or my note on its page at Amazon:

> Now that there are Sets, and an array
> module, I'm interested in a presentation that incorporates those. The help
> topics are fine, but not a substitute for learning when you would use the
> new tyles/modules.

sets are similar to dicts in that they are hashed types, so they are
incorporated into the same chapter.  likewise, strings, lists, and
tuples are all sequences, so they get their own chapter.  this applies
to numbers too.  and true to my word, all 3 of those come *after* the
objects and memory management chapter(s). for further reading, here is
the PEP for sets:

the array module contains specialized object types for numerical
calculations.  since most of the time, you will be using lists
instead, i do reference that module but do not go in-depth as it is
not a core part of the language.  (folks coming from other languages
may find this "demotion" of arrays more difficult to swallow, but that
really isn't the case.  both arrays and lists are sequence types, with
the main difference that lists are heterogeneous.  other than that,
they work just like arrays from other languages, so that's what people
tend to use, esp. since it is a standard type that you do not have
import to use.) for more on the array module:

you can get a table of contents at any online book retailer, or even
the publisher's website.  you can even download a sample chapter and
the index there too.  links to retailers and the publisher, as well as
reviews and other goodies are also available at the book's website.

Note: bookpool is currently sold out.  it happens quite regularly... i
don't know how to tell them to order more to keep in stock!  ;-)
anyway, from what i've seen, it takes them about a week or two to get
them in.  it is also likely that this publisher's sale will last the
entire month, but if you want the guarantee the price, you can just
order it now and wait for them to ship it to you. i only know all this
cuz i generally buy my books from bookpool too!

hope this helps!
-- wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001

wesley.j.chun :: wescpy-at-gmail.com
python training and technical consulting
cyberweb.consulting : silicon valley, ca
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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