Ravi Kondamuru wrote:
I am writing a script to read list output from a C executable. How should c program be written so that python can read the output as a list?
Any pointers to info on this appreciated.

The possibilities are truly wide open on this. Python can read a variety of standard formats (and of course can have custom code to read anything. Depending on what the data involved actually are, you need to decide what format works best.

A simple approach is to have the C program write simple CSV output, and use Python's csv module to read it. A more complex solution might be to use XML. There are approximately 52,495,102 other possibilities available too, so you have lots of room to work out what's best for your application. More specific information on what you're trying to accomplish would help narrow it down as well.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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