leam hall wrote:
> Could use some help with this. Python 2.4.3 on RHEL 5.x.
> In the functions file that gets imported:
> def append_customer(line_list):
>         global customers
>         cust = line_list[0]     // list with Customer info in [0]
>         cust = clean_word(cust)  // Trims white space
>         if len(cust) and cust not in customers:
>                 host_list[cust] = {}
>                 customers.append(cust)
> In the calling file:
> import functions
> import sys
> customers = []
> .
> .
> .
> for line in input_file:
>     line = line.strip()
>     if not len(line):
>         continue
>     line_list = line.split(',')
>     functions.append_customer(line_list)
> Error message:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./host_tools.py", line 55, in ?
>     functions.append_customer(line_list)
>   File "/home/lhall/lang/functions.py", line 27, in append_customer
>     if len(cust) and cust not in customers:
> NameError: global name 'customers' is not defined

The problem is because "customers" needs to be defined
in the module with the append_customers. Global as
written refers to module level variables.

Some (possible and untested) methods to get around this are: 
1. pass in customers as an argument 
2. use globals()? 
3. add it to functions module `functions.customers = customers`.


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