On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 6:12 PM, Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

>> Ah.  I missed that, as I've only noticed this newer thread.  And I
>> apologize for imputing motive (a liking for "while True"); I'd just
>> noticed that you often advise it.  I don't know who _does_ think this
>> is a desirable pattern; I'd love to hear their argument for it - it
>> must be really good.
> It works :)

So does GOTO.

Seriously, though, how is
1)  Do {this} forever, until something happens that I'll tell you about later

better than
2)  Do {this} until this condition, which I'm telling you about RIGHT
NOW, changes

Granted, this can all be clarified with good comments - but the second
approach basically documents itself.
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