On 23/06/16 01:52, Hershel Millman wrote:
> I found the turtle module on my computer.
>>>> import turtle
>>>> print(turtle.__file__)
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/lib-tk/turtle.py

That's the right turtle module do not rename it.

>>> I entered "import turtle" instead of "from turtle import * ", but it 
>>> looks as if it did not import the pendown command. Why is that?

If that's the module you are importing it should work.

What happens if you try:

>>> import turtle
>>> turtle.pendown()

Do you still get the error?

If so can you cut n paste the entire session, including the initial
python startup message and the error message, into a mail for us?

Alan G
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