Im studying @property, @var.setter and @var.deleter.
I understand how they work in new style classes. Even though I do not use old 
style classes it would be interesting to understand what is going on behind the 
scenes. I can try to make assumptions but I do not want to because they might 
be incorrect. 
Could somebody please explain what is going on for old style classes for the 
below code:
class GetSet():

    def __init__(self, value):
        self.attrval = value

    def var(self):
        print "getting the var attribute"
        return self.attrval
    def var(self,value):
        print "setting the var attribute"
        self.attrval = value

    def var(self):
        print "deleting the var attribute"
        self.attrval = None

me = GetSet(5)
me.var = 1000
print me.var
del me.var
print me.var

getting the var attribute

Same code but with new style classes (this one I understand):
class GetSet(object):

    def __init__(self, value):
        self.attrval = value

    def var(self):
        print ("getting the var attribute")
        return self.attrval
    def var(self,value):
        print ("setting the var attribute")
        self.attrval = value

    def var(self):
        print ("deleting the var attribute")
        self.attrval = None

me = GetSet(5)
me.var = 1000
print (me.var)
del me.var
print (me.var)

setting the var attribute
getting the var attribute
deleting the var attribute
getting the var attribute

Thank you very much
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