On 09/01/2017 01:08 PM, Chris Warrick wrote:
> I would recommend reading the official Python tutorial [0] This
> tutorial will explain the important parts of Python. It doesn’t spend
> too much time explaining programming basics though.
> My alternate recommendations include Think Python [1] or Automate the
> Boring Stuff with Python [2].
> On 1 September 2017 at 19:51, Raghunadh <raghunadhpra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Derek,
>> I would start with this book
>> hxxps://learnpythonthehardway.org
>> Raghunadh
> LPTHW is a terrible book: slow and boring, tells readers to memorize
> truth tables instead of understanding them (sic!), 19% of it is
> thoughtlessly teaching print() — overall, a failure at teaching people
> to program. Moreover, the author wrote a nonsensical essay bashing
> Python 3 [3] (debunked in [4]), and released a Python 3.6 version of
> his book shortly afterwards.

So I pointed out people would have strong opinions :)

Turns out - I had forgotten this though I saw it once long ago - that
some people tried to put together a page for people coming from Perl.


that might possibly help setting some early concepts, and "idioms", into
place; it certainly won't replace a good Python book, but still...

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