From: Tutor <> on behalf of GMX 
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 9:38 AM
Subject: [Tutor] How to create an object in database only if the object is not 
already there?


Now when I create a Course object like this:

    >>> Course(title=‘A new course’)

An object is create in the database. I don’t want to have this behaviour, but 
what I want to be doing is create a Course object
and then only commit in the database if the course is not already available in 
the database. 

===> I have no experience with Pony, but with Sqlalchemy one could do something 

if not session.query(Course.title).filter_by(title=‘A new course’).first():
    course = Course(title=‘A new course’)

Or perhaps you could set a primary key constraint on course title.
Tutor maillist  -
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