Asif Iqbal wrote:

> I am trying to extract all the *template-name*s, but no success yet
> Here is a sample xml file
> <collection xmlns:y="";>
>   <template-metadata xmlns="";>
>     <template-name>ALLFLEX-BLOOMINGTON</template-name>
>     <type>post-staging</type>
>     <device-type>full-mesh</device-type>
>     <provider-tenant>ALLFLEX</provider-tenant>
>     <subscription xmlns="";>
>       <solution-tier>advanced-plus</solution-tier>
>       <bandwidth>1000</bandwidth>
>       <is-analytics-enabled>true</is-analytics-enabled>
>       <is-primary>true</is-primary>
>     </subscription>
> ....
> </collection>
> with open('/tmp/template-metadata') as f:
>     import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
>     root = ET.fromstring(
> print len(root)
> print root[0][0].text
> for l in root.findall('template-metadata'):
>     print l
> 392
> It prints the length of the tree and the first element of the first child,
> but when I try to loop through to find all the 'template-name's
> it does not print anything.
> What am I doing wrong?

You have to include the namespace:

for l in root.findall('{}template-metadata'):

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