
You may be right. It often happens that someone has a (small) idea, perhaps 
very focused, and others chime in and try to apply it more widely, perhaps by 
making it more general, and it grows. Over the years, the earlier adopters may 
be seen almost as co-creators or even become the lead in the story. Tell me who 
seems to be associated with Apple and who did much of the technical work? I am 
not saying that Jobs did not have vision and marketing talent and an eye for 
style and so on. I am not even sure who came up with ideas back then. Another 
such person, Bill Gates, did do some programming of BASIC early on and so forth.

So, whatever the history of early Python (and predecessors) was, it may have 
begun as some enhancements and improvements of what came before and perhaps new 
paradigms. Others who saw it may have seen something that looked easier to 
teach. An obvious example, if it was there way back then, was removing lots of 
brackets used in other languages (such as {([])} ) and using indentation. Feels 
more natural to not-so-mathematical types.

But over the years the brackets have returned and worse. Like many languages, 
Python used what symbols it could find on the keyboard and then overloaded them 
horribly. Parentheses are used for grouping but also for tuples and to force 
invocation of a function and to hold the argument tuple (albeit no trailing 
comma is needed for a single argument as in other tuples) and presumably in 
other contexts such as within regular expressions. Periods can mean quite a few 
things as can asterisk and so on. There are few matched sets of characters on 
the keyboard. () is now used for tuples, among other things. [] is used for 
lists except when it is used for dictionary access as in cards[key] versus 
text[5] and {} is used for dictionaries except when you use [] but also for 
sets ...

Heck, they ran out of symbols. {} is an empty dictionary and you say set() for 
an empty set. Ditto for tuple. 

<> is not currently used as a matched set as it has many other uses like in 
comparisons. Some languages even use <> as the same as != or ~= to mean not 
equals. "" and '' and even `` are sort of used as if they are a matched set I 
some languages (`` is in R, not Python) but are typographically identical as 
compared to text processing that creates two versions.

EBCDIC had a few other symbols but many languages now use only ASCII symbols 
and have to combine them to make complex and even non-intuitive combinations as 
symbols. Try teaching a child in say C++ that:

X++==++Y is valid and even meaningful if read as:

X++ == ++Y

because it asks you to get the current value of X to compare to the NEW value 
of Y incremented and return a Boolean result and immediately thereafter, 
increment X. Heck, you can write (X++++Y) and so on. I have seen languages with 
an = and == and even === alongside := and ::= and -> and --> and <- and <-- and 
more all to mean variations on a theme.

If we had started with many more symbols, in some ways it would be harder but 
in other ways easier. Mathematicians borrow symbols from lower case, upper case 
and script letters from languages like Greek and Latin but also from Hebrew as 
in, well not easy to include in a file contain normal text but aleph-null (and 
aleph-one and infinitely more levels of infinity.)

A simple teaching language that uses English words children know might either 
be verbose in places or long as in making you spell out DELETE instead of del. 
But quite a few languages are simple if you leave out most of the 
functionality. Yes, you need to explain why some things must end in a semicolon 
or be indented a certain way or require parentheses or ...
What you don't want to teach is a complex language like English. I was teaching 
my Dad as he prepared for Citizenship and he balked when told there were at 
least seven distinct ways you pronounce OUGH in common English words.

So, perhaps python can be used to teach basic programming for several reasons 
including no need to declare variables and their "types" in advance and having 
relatively intelligent basic types that easily get converted in the background 
as in various kinds of numbers. But when you use more and more features, it 
expands into areas where, frankly, there is no one right answer and choices are 
often made by fiat or by a majority. Mathematically, if you view a topic like 
multiple inheritance in classes and the kludges made to get around logical 
issues, you see what a mess it really is and very hard to teach. Look at the 
double underscore notation(prefix-only) for variables that renames them to be 
unique within a certain scope to avoid collisions in the mythical searched name 

I am not against such drift but at times wonder if a one-size-has-to-fit-all 
mentality is wise.

I had  a thought on an earlier topic by Asad. He wanted to write in Python what 
is effectively a member of the UNIX grep family. Specifically, fgrep (or maybe 
now grep -F) takes a list of things to search for, albeit fixed strings. His 
need is literally to Get a line, apply Regular Expession and Print. GREP. In my 
earlier days at Bell Labs, it was often easier, especially in prototyping, to 
string together multiple tools, often single-minded little ones, sort of like 
what someone here wanted to do with calling a pipeline of programs from within 
Python and getting the results back into the program. It was not unusual to do 
a grep piped to a cut to select parts of the line then pipe it to something 
that excludes some of those in a reverse grep on a second pattern then pipe it 
to something like the stream editor sed to make changes and so on. Yes, AWK and 
PERL and other more full-blown languages evolved but were often initially used 
to do small parts of the pipelines like these. We used hammers as thumbtacks 
and collections of thumbtacks as hammers.

Python can often let you trivially build such little tools that were harder to 
do in C, partially because some of that is built-in or easily attachable as a 
module, perhaps with parts from a C library. So it may be easier now to write 
the pipeline as straight python code and often more efficient.

I was involved with the history of things at times that now have legends about 
them. I remember conversations I participated in back in the Usenet days where 
Tim Berners-Lee was discussing what should and should not be part of hypertext 
which evolved into HTML. For example, should there be a FLASHING/BLINKING text 
as compared to bold/italic/emphasis/color. Many people participated, including 
others whose names are now well-known for other achievements but for many it is 
now remembered as the accomplishment of one or a few. Many people added to or 
influenced Python.

Python can still be a great teaching language if kept to a subset and by 
avoiding some tricks, even if intriguing or delightful. One idea SOME have is 
to keep things as simple as you can and no simpler. Few would like to see the 
two-line programs I can come up with.

Imagine initializing dozens of variables on one line like this:

a,b,c,d,...y,z  = 3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,3,5, ...

Or just:


One-line is not the same as smart or even comprehensible.

The second line might be an entire program as one big nested list comprehension.

Recall the example of applying a sequence of patterns to a sequence of lines 
from a file? 

[ print(line) for line in open(filename,'r') for pattern in patterns if pattern 
in line]

Or something like that. I expect it will produce duplicates, though.  

So, a longer version still on one line might convert the actual list to a set 
fed to a sort fed to a print as in:

Print( sorted( set( [ print(line) for line in open(filename,'r') for pattern in 
patterns if pattern in line] ) ) )
I know, not the right order! What do you expect from a one-liner 😉

I haven't checked the exact use live (sort of like  how I was rushed and did 
not check spelling and grammar earlier today before sending) but the point is a 
line like that can loop on both lines and patterns nested and apply an if 
condition and return the (not meaningful) results of printing the line to be 
ignored as you don't actually want to make a list, just do a print as a side 
effect. Sometimes a very elegant solution is also hard to understand. The 
second version moves the print outside, so no side-effect.

What is easy to teach to children? I remember an experience I had teaching 
Geometry to tenth graders. There is a well known method to prove isosceles 
triangles (with two equal sides) must have two equal angles opposite those 
sides. But it requires you to create a line by dropping a perpendicular to make 
two smaller triangles so you can then do side-angle-side comparisons to show 
congruence. There is a more elegant proof I knew from taking higher level 
courses (Math is one of my degrees) that involves merely relabeling triangle 
ABC as CAB and showing how the reflected triangle is congruent to itself and 
thus congruent parts are equal. I turned from the blackboard to see a very 
puzzled class that had gotten lost on the very first step and never caught on 
to the beautiful and elegant and very abstract idea. I did not then try to even 
mention that there are many other geometries such as non-Euclidean Riemannian 
or Lobachevskian varieties. Wrong level for them. But, our Universe does not 
seem to be Euclidean, nonetheless.

Frankly, much of what is added to a simple language is rarely used and some 
perhaps never. I was once an expert on all the word processors of the time with 
the intent of making programs to interconvert between them so you would send an 
attachment to an email which would arrive to each recipient in the form of 
their choice with the minimal number of conversion steps. But so many features 
turned out to be rarely used or even known about. Look at the modern Microsoft 
Word and features like making labels or setting up regions where a different 
language is used and spelling should be checked differently or embedding live 
objects like spreadsheets and on and on. I doubt many people use a tenth of the 
available features and often have no idea they are even there.

Some more academic settings, and that includes AT&T before the breakup and for 
quite a while after, try to do as much as they can imagine. For example if 
there is a command using the letter A and one for B, we obviously need one for 
Q and every other letter even if they are not mnemonic or never used. They 
often do not ask if anyone really wants the extra stuff or whether including it 
means coming to market years later and with lots of bugs as the requirements 
are too ambitious or have conflicts within them. I wrote some of those 
requirements, while protesting, and often the projects never made it to light 
and are well forgotten now.

I conclude by saying that on this forum, if a beginner or novice asks 
questions, we often do not tell them the right way is to make a bunch of 
objects with data hidden and preserved and so on, if there is a fairly simple 
way. But if asked how we would do it, the answer might often be that we would 
just grab some pre-made modules and connect it with a little code. Someone else 
has already done all that work and the pythonic way is to make a subclass of 
something that already works ...

-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor <> On Behalf Of Steven 
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Pythonic way

On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 08:22:01PM +0000, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:

> I think that's a very deliberate feature of Python going back to its 
> original purpose of being a teaching language that can be used beyond 
> the classroom.

I don't think that is correct -- everything I've read is that Guido designed 
Python as a scripting language for use in the "Amoeba" 
operating system.

You might be thinking of Python's major influence, ABC, which was designed as a 
teaching language -- but not by Guido himself. Guido was heavily influenced by 
ABC, both in what to do, and what not to do.

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