On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 02:52:07PM +0530, Arup Rakshit wrote:

> Here it is: * Customizing module attribute access* 
> (https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#customizing-module-attribute-access)

Oh! That's brand new in 3.7, no wonder I didn't know about it.

I did see the core developers talking about adding this feature, but I 
didn't know that they had done so.

Your original question was:

> In the simple code like what are the advantages we get from? Is this 
> so that we can implement more special methods than just __getattr__ 
> and __dir__ in the module level?

Yes, that's what the documentation says. I don't see any reason not to 
believe it.

Oh, this is cool! I'm going to enjoy playing with this...

py> from types import ModuleType
py> class Magic(ModuleType):
...     count = 0
...     @property
...     def spam(self):
...             self.count += 1
...             return ' '.join(['spam']*self.count)
py> import sys
py> sys.modules['__main__'].__class__ = Magic
py> import __main__
py> __main__.spam
py> __main__.spam
'spam spam'
py> __main__.spam
'spam spam spam'

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