On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 20:12, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 24, 2004 at 05:11:03PM -0500, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> > > Unless someone objects, I'll add a feature request for this to the
> > > SF tracker.
> > 
> > It seems complicated. :-(
> On the contrary.  I like the idea of a slider over the "Grow"/"Shrink"
> (up-arrow/down-arrow) buttons we have now.
> Those buttons don't provide any feedback as to how big the stamp will be,
> just whether or not you can make it any smaller or bigger.
> (If you can't make it any bigger, you know it's the biggest...
> If you can't make it any smaller, you know it's the smallest...
> Otherwise, you have no idea what size it's set to.)

My kid just looks at the outline. He does that as soon as he
selects the stamp. He then presses the buttons and re-checks
as needed to get the size right.

I've been thinking that the audio could provide a hint.
If you're at the limit, you just get a thump sound.
If you're right before the limit, you get the regular
swoop sound and then the thump. The swoop sound could
change based on size. For example, there could be one
octave from the minimum to the default, and another
octave from there to the maximum.

minimum: 200 Hz
default: 400 Hz
maximum: 800 Hz

Sweep the appropriate fraction in 1/4 second, using a
nice major chord sound.

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