On Fri, 2004-11-26 at 18:52, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 26, 2004 at 06:30:21PM -0500, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> > I was just preparing to cache the stamp outline. When the
> > stamp changes (new choice, flip, mirror, or scaling), the
> > outline needs to be recomputed. There's no need to be
> > computing it every time the mouse moves a tiny bit.
> Yes, I've noticed that. :^)  On my 450MHz Celeron, the recomputation
> takes up QUITE a bit of time.  So much so that if I move the mouse
> quickly enough, the event handler seems to loose the last few
> positions.

We may be having a contest for slowest computer.
I have a 450 MHz Mac with PC100 memory. Unlike your
computer, mine is pushing 32-bit video to a 1600x1024
display, uphill both ways. :-) I have nothing fancier
than a bit of basic 2-D acceleration.

> This causes the outline to stay where it was, while the "+" mouse
> pointer
> has moved a few inches away.  If I click to place the stamp, of course
> (part of) the old outline remains. :^(

This is a serious bug. Stamp outline performance improvements
will not fix the root cause of this bug; they'll just make
the bug harder to reproduce.

> > The code in CVS is prepared for this now. Notice that
> > update_stamp_xor has been split out of stamp_xor. Now
> > there are two reasonable options:
> I tried simply moving the 'update_stamp_xor()' call to whenever the
> stamp shape changes (mousewheel rolls or user specifically clicks a
> stamp
> button on the right).

Mousewheel? That doesn't change the stamp AFAIK.
Changes would be:

1. startup (very important!)
2. click on new stamp
3. mirror
4. flip
5. scale up
6. scale down

Tinting changes the stamp too, but it won't matter for this.

> > If this works out well, maybe the low-quality stamp
> > outline code will be pointless to keep.
> I notice that's "gone" all of a sudden. ;^)

What, "I didn't do it, and nobody saw me." ?

> > BTW, there's a bit of a problem with flicker. I suppose
> > the solution might involve a canvas-sized bitmap for the
> > outline. Then there would never be a need to clear the
> > old outline prior to painting the new one; the clearing
> > and painting would take place in one operation.
> What's flickering, exactly?

flickering == flashing, going on and off, producing an
annoying sensation of variable brightness...

You don't see it? As a stamp is moved before placement,
the outline refresh is visible. I see the outline go and
then come back in the new location. This is not good.

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