On Sun, 2004-12-12 at 23:24, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 12, 2004 at 08:53:55PM -0500, Albert Cahalan wrote:

> > 1. The usage of mixed tabs as spaces prevents me from
> >    using a block indent command. (^K-,) Either spaces
> >    or tabs would be fine, but not mixed.
> I blame VIM!  Damned thing!!!  I used to use only emacs, but have
> been finding VI varients load a LOT quicker, plus take the least effort
> to get syntax highlighting going.  Beyond that, though, it's actually quite
> a pain in the butt to use.

That explains the use of default emacs style with errors.

> Maybe we should throw the code through prettyprint or something?

These are pretty standard:

indent -kr -ncs -i8         (Linux kernel style)
indent -kr -ncs -nut -i4    (what many people like to read)
indent -kr -ncs -nut -i2    (close to my usual style)

> > 2. The indentation of '}' breaks autoindent. My editor
> >    does not contain a whole figgin LISP interpreter and
> >    a LISP compiler and LISP libraries and a kitchen sink.
> >    BTW, this also causes the human to make many errors.
> Can you explain this one?  Do you mean the Emacs style of this:
>   if (blah)
>   ..{
>   ....stuff();
>   ..}
> If so, then yeah... it's a pain when PARTS of the code is indented
> like that, and others are indented in the more standard way:
>   if (blah)
>   {
>   ..stuff();
>   }

Yes. While I'd much rather have the '{' on the line above,
it's the indented '}' that kills me. Things just don't line
up right, so it's hard to tell if I'm editing correctly.

> Also, way down at the end of the to-do-list in my brain is a note to
> break tuxpaint.c up into sane pieces.  It wasn't a big deal when the code
> was only ~2000 lines long, but now that it's reaching 15,000 it's getting
> a little insane.  (I can still navigate the code with relative ease... it
> just takes far longer to compile than it should.)

That crossed my mind too. Then I thought, hey, having it in
one big blob might make it run a tiny bit faster. I can search.
(the compiler can cheat on the ABI for intra-file calls)

You can save 1325 lines by moving the '{' up to the
previous line.  :-)  That's an over 9% reduction.

A bigger concern for me is the cascaded if...else stuff.
Combined with the odd indentation, I often get very lost.
The performance won't scale, though it's hard to tell how
much of a problem this is.

I'd use structs containing function pointers. So the active
tool is defined by a pointer to a struct with methods for
handling a mouse click, mouse move, mouse release, selection
of the tool (for initialization), selection of some other tool
(for freeing memory), and so on. Then the tools can be more
self-contained, not having scraps of code all over.

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