Hello members of the list,

My name is Alberto Escudero and i am working in the Open Swahili 
Localization Project. Our main effort in the last months has been to 
localize OpenOffice.org in Swahili. See: http://www.o.ne.tz and 

Martin Benjamin and myself we are interested in releasing during this 
Xtmas Tux Paint as a present for the Swahili community and we have 
completed the localization of sw.po and stamps.po 

We are seeking for someone that could build for us tux paint for Win32. If 
you have any scripts for linux packaging they are also welcome.

In January 2005 i will start to work in the WAV files with schools in the 
region of Dar es Salaam.

If any member in the list can help with the build it will be great. 

Best regards 

Tuxpaint-dev mailing list

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