On Fri, 2005-01-21 at 02:19, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 11:41:13PM +0000, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> > Update of /cvsroot/tuxpaint/tuxpaint/src
> > In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv3780/src
> > 
> > Modified Files:
> >     tuxpaint.c 
> > Log Message:
> > vague memory of an obscure annoyance w/ sockets leads to this guess at a 
> > solution to Tux Paint crashing for Bill
> Hrm, I hit the Text tool and this time it doens't crash... it just never
> STOPS! :^(  (The little spinning bar at the bottom just keeps animating
> for much longer than it had ever taken in the past to load all of my fonts.)
> Also, it looks like Tux Paint no longer looks in "~/.tuxpaint/stamps/" for
> user-loaded stamps! :^(
> (It should also look in "~/.tuxpaint/fonts/" for fonts,
> "~/.tuxpaint/brushes/" for brushes, and "~/.tuxpaint/starts/" for starter
> images.)

You can't be using the same Tux Paint as I am. Maybe CVS merged
something incorrectly? Try deleting the source code and having
CVS re-fetch it for you. From where I sit, Tux Paint:

a. starts up in about 1.1 seconds
b. loads a huge ~/.tuxpaint/stamps collection
c. loads a "huge" (my standard) ~/.tuxpaint/fonts collection
d. probably looks for user brushes, but I don't have any
e. is ready for the text tool in about 10 seconds
f. never crashes

I did make one recent change that could slow down loading
of the text tool. To make the rest of the app start even
faster, I called nice() and sched_yield(). If you run some
sort of cycle-eater task like SETI or distributed.net, it
might now get priority. (in which case, you kind of asked
for the behavior your're getting)

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