On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 9:31 PM Doug Eastick <east...@mcd.on.ca> wrote:

> my personal opinion is that "naming of stuff" is highly subject to
> termination, depending on the contract language.
> Being a fan of BigBrother (don't start... I *know*) they could rename the
> building #ButFirst, or #HOH, or #POV (Power of Veto).... oh, or maybe
> #DoubleEviction

Back in the early days of this list there were a lot of Big Brother
discussions because Tom Heald was a fan of the show.

I'm ambivalent about changing the name of the center because lots of
buildings are named for despicable people. The Moonves/Chen building is
part of the Annenberg Center and Annenberg was a mobbed up thug who became
a media mogul and donated lots of money. I see
student/faculty/community/donor pressure to keep Moonves's name out of USC
but I don't think it means justice is done if they succeed.

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