From: [] On Behalf 
Of Mark Jeffries

>The problem here is that the National Post is to the CBC what the Daily Mail 
>is to the BBC and Rupert Murdoch's holdings are to public broadcasting in 
>general.  The fact that the columnist includes a rant on Canadian content in 
>media (which radio stations have had to go by now for over 50 years and is not 
>going to go away anytime soon) goes right along with that (along with the 
>primary owner being an American hedge fund).  Just remember that an attempt by 
>the Toronto Sun to do a Fox News-style conservative cable news network in 
>Canada turned out to be a huge flop.

Meh. The Globe & Mail has a paywall, so I went to the next national outlet.
But on a related topic, there’s a bill (C-11) going through Parliament in which 
the CRTC wants to assert its Cancom rights on streamers.
If you do a search for C-11 on da Toob, the content providers will explain why 
they think it’s a bad idea.

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