This actually makes perfect sense, in the age of "Bluey" and Disney Junior 
shows which are, ultimately, 2 independent 12-minute segments (sometimes 
with a bumper in the middle, but no mid-show commercials). And really, this 
isn't a big deal - "Sesame Street" adjusts their format on a regular basis 
- it actually made for an interesting contrast when my kids were little, 
because we'd watch the new half-hour episodes, then double back a few years 
to the longer 1-hour episodes anchored by Murray and Ovejita, then (thanks, 
HBOMax) dive deep into the archive and find Big Bird in Japan or Don't Eat 
the Pictures.
On Monday, October 30, 2023 at 7:04:47 PM UTC-4 Kevin M. wrote:

> The half hour format will now feature two 11 minute segments sandwiching a 
> new animated series “Tales from 123”. 

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