>  From: y2k_sonu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Subject: [twincling] Re: X manager
>  Sent: 27 Feb '07 17:46
>  Ashish,
>  Thanks For the Link.
>  There are lot of other Evaluation versions available.
>  But i was looking for Open Source X-manager from x.org.
>  Sumit

Hi Sumit:

All X-server that are part of the X.org code base are Open Source !
This is so because X window is part of just every *NIX out there.

There are even X-server that can run on top of MS Windows.
However, they are "closed" source and available for a certain price or eval 
eg. eXceed from Humming Bird is a good product.

Let me know if this answers your query.


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