On Sun, 5 Jul 2009, Kartik Nayak wrote:

> Hi,
> The memory is utilized for running php scripts and maybe
> remembering some other changes that are not saved and to
> create previews.
> I used a module named devel http://drupal.org/project/devel
> through which i got the memory used when the pages mentioned
> were loaded. A screenshot of the same is attached.
> As per
> http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.memory-get-usage.php the
> memory usage by a PHP script can be calculated by that
> function.
> http://drupal.org/node/198053 is an interesting link wherein
> Phalanx (check the 4th entry) has developed a patch through
> which memory utilization by each of the modules can be checked
> (check the screenshot). Havent tried applying the patch
> though.
> Regards, Kartik Nayak

Hi Kartik:

This is good !

i was hoping that you'd take a close look at 

  . 'devel' module that support Drupal internal details for

  . memory-get-usage() function.

We'll need this stuff to trace the details, when we need to
either optimize or debug.


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