On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz <gl...@twistedmatrix.com>wrote:

> On Dec 18, 2009, at 3:37 PM, Kevin Horn wrote:
> I don't currently have access to Twisted SVN (as far as I know, anyway),
> but if the Twisted guys want to give me access, I'm fine with that.
> I'm not particularly opposed to it, but at this stage I don't think it
> would help very much either.  The sandbox is a crummy place to stage stuff.
> Otherwise, BitBucket is probably the best option, though it'll be a little
> bit of a learning curve for me.  I've used Mercurial a little bit, but never
> for a "real" project, and I've never used BiBucket (though I think I have an
> account, for some reason).
> We already have an active mirror of Twisted on launchpad <
> https://code.launchpad.net/twisted>, which might be easier to get started
> with if you want to make a branch for the *output* of the conversion.
>  lore2sphinx itself could probably live anywhere, though.
I think I'll probably end up putting lore2sphinx up on BitBucket...when I
get around to it.  Hopefully I'll get around to doing this in the next week
or so, but with the holidays coming up, I wouldn't hold my breath. ;)

I don't see a whole lot of point in putting the output into any sort of
version control at this point, since the idea is not to edit it at this
stage.  I'll continue to put up my results at
http://twistedsphinx.funsize.net periodically just for people to look at,

Once the automated conversion part of this is "done", it will make sense
(and indeed be necessary) to VC the Sphinx sources, though.

BTW...footnotes work now. :)

Kevin Horn
Twisted-Python mailing list

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