On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Thijs Triemstra | Collab

> Hi Kevin,
> On 30 Dec 2009, at 21:05, Kevin Horn wrote:
> > If you're intimidated by the idea of working on the actual lore2sphinx
> conversion script (or just don't want to), here's some other stuff that
> needs doing:
> >
> > - work on a twisted (or Divmod) Sphinx theme which at least mostly
> matches the website (or the Divmod website)
> > - identify branches which have lore patches in them
> > - identify tickets which propose to fix/modify Lore functionality
> I can work on identifying those tickets and branches in Twisted, but should
> I put that info in a ticket or on a Twisted wiki page? And should the
> tickets with Lore enhancements be closed immediately or listed first?

I'm open to suggestions as to where to list the tickets.  A Trac ticket or a
wiki page would certainly work, or we can integrate the list into the
proposal document.  What might be a good solution though is to just add a
Trac keyword to all of the relevant tickets, or even just identify a
specific search for them in Trac (is it enough to just do a custom search
for Lore component tickets?).

I think we should just come up with a list as a first step.  Though I really
hope to complete the conversion before too much longer, you never know what
could happen, and if it gets delayed significantly, it might be useful to
still have those tickets open.

> Thanks for all your work!
> Cheers,
> Thijs
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