
2010/4/26 Itamar Turner-Trauring <ita...@itamarst.org>:
> On Mon, 2010-04-26 at 15:56 +0000, exar...@twistedmatrix.com wrote:
>> This is mainly a question of when someone finds it interesting enough to
>> review the code.  Personally, while I remember commenting on that ticket
>> a couple months ago, I had to go re-read the wikipedia page to remember
>> what OSC is.  Since this is a protocol I've never come across before and
>> which I can't think of any immediate applications that are relevant to
>> me, it's not likely I'll spontaneously go review the code.  Perhaps
>> there is another developer who would be interested in this who will do
>> so.  Posting on the list is a good way to try to get attention, as is
>> asking in the Freenode #twisted irc channel.  If you can't find someone
>> who wants to review it just because they're interested, you might be
>> able to trade for a review of another ticket.
> As a worst case alternative if time becomes an issue, you can release
> this as a standalone project (many Twisted libraries have begun
> prefixing package names with tx, e.g. txAMPQ). It can always be merged
> later with Twisted if there's an interest (as long as the license
> doesn't conflict).

Yes, I guess we should use it a bit in productions so that we test it
thorougly. It won't be in the release in early June, so I guess we
should call it txosc for a few months before we submit it again to be
merged. The API might change while I use it in some projects.

Note that it is fully working right now, and we have completed the unit tests.

My only concern is this: if we make it a standalone project, I might
want to split it in three files, whereas it is in just one right now.
Maybe it's ok to create a subpackage in the in twisted.prototocols,
though, like the "gps" and "mice" subpackages.


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