As far as I know, Dojo's Deferreds are a direct port of Twisted's.

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 7:30 PM, Tobias Oberstein
<> wrote:
> Found something: it seems in jQuery 1.6 they have introduced something which
> corresponds
> more closely to Twisted Deferreds callback/errback chains:
>             // prints 23
>  "square", 23).pipe(function(res) {
>                                             return"sqrt", res);
>                                         }).pipe(console.log);
> I am still wondering why they called the other stuff "then()" when it's not
> then, but "also()"
> and "pipe()" is the real <then> ;)
> And now they have then() _and_ pipe().
> This is all asking for confusion. - Whatever.
> Tobias
> On 25.08.11 00:52, "Tobias Oberstein" <> wrote:
> Ok. This is most unpleasant. In particular since my options then are:
> 1) write my own, sane (Twisted like, which I think is the sane way) JS
> deferred, not use jQuery/CommonJS (which everyone else does)
> 2) open the door for users running into issues when they do both Twisted &
> JS/jQuery and don't understand the subtle difference
> bad.
> of course not a Twisted mailing list topic anymore .. I'll go to jQuery
> list.
> Thanks!
> Tobias
> On 25.08.11 00:36, "Allen Short" <> wrote:
> No, this is something jQuery and CommonJS got wrong; callbacks don't chain
> in their implementation.
> Firing a jQuery promise invokes each callback in order with the same
> argument. Firing a Deferred in Twisted invokes the first callback then
> passes its return value as the arg to the next callback, and so forth.
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