On 06:14 pm, dstainton...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi, I'd like to help out and write unit tests for the Socks v5 code in
this ticket:

Should I write something very similar to this?? ::

My goal is getting socksv5 client and server code merged to mainline
Twisted with unit tests.

twisted/test/test_socks.py is a bad example of a test suite. Here are the things about it you should not emulate:

* It has documentation that is far from complete. Documentation is just as important in unit tests as elsewhere. In particular, documenting the intent of every test method is critical otherwise the test suite is very difficult to maintain.

* It exercises too much code in each test method. Well written test methods do a single very simple thing. A good rule of thumb is that there should only be one `TestCase.assert...` method call in each test method.

* It uses some `TestCase.assert...` methods which are deprecated or soon to be deprecated. `assert_` is the main offender here.

* It doesn't completely cover the implementation (probably because the implementation wasn't developed test-driven). You can achieve full test coverage without doing test-driven development but it takes more discipline. I suggest doing a test-driven implementation of the SOCKSv5 functionality you want (the easy approach to this is to start writing tests, then copy the *smallest* possible piece of the existing, untested implementation into your new implementation to make those tests pass; repeat until you have all of the desired functionality).

* `StringTCPTransport` seems redundant. `StringTransport` offers all of this functionality already.

* Many names used in the module don't follow the Twisted name convention (most obviously, "under_scores" are used throughout rather than "camelCase").

 * Native strings are used to represent byte strings throughout.

* The protocol interface is uniformly misused (it should call `makeConnection` not `connectionMade`)

Hope this helps,

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