
So I am bringing this to the list for a greater audience and to reach
all borders and timezones :)

I think that most people agree that Twisted should get rid of SVN and
move to Git.

General rules by Glyph as they were sent to me :)

Development can't stop, the website can't go down, and we can't lose
any data. If you have a plan that migrates absolutely everything to
github, including all of our issues to github issues, and all of our
review queue stuff to github PRs, that is fine.

You cannot, however, just push everything to github and delete the
ticket database and all the outstanding branches and just say "okay
everybody file github issues now". There has to be clear communication
about what a developer who shows up on any given day to work on a
Twisted ticket should do.

Current requirements from Glyph:

- be able to accept PRs on github.com
- host code primarily on github
- make sure all the same committers still have access (at least active ones)
- make sure the website doesn't go down
- break as little functionality as possible (kenaan, highscores, etc)
- communicate clearly to contributors what they have to do in order to
work on Twisted in every step of the process


Also from Glyph

there are lots of "nice to have" things like it would be nice to have
people authenticate to twistedmatrix.com via github so we can get rid
of our terrible auth database  and so they have one set of credentials
for working

It would be nice if we could automatically sync any relevant
information between PRs and issues


I would prefer to do baby steps and as a start just have the main repo
in git hosted by github.com.

Using GitHub it will force us (for the better or for the worse) to
rethink the infrastructure using web hooks... and for "modern" hosting

Once we have webhooks we should be able to migrate to any other
provider... so it should be for the better

Also, we need to migrate to GitHub as this was already agreed (one
year ago) ... and if we re-start the conversation regarding the
hosting platform, we are back on point 0 and still on SVN.

We don't plan to migrate to GitHub Issues / GitHub Wiki / GitHub Pages


So... if you have anything to comment regarding the git / github.com
migration please send your feedback.

Later we will announce the plan , break it into small task and start
working on them.


Adi Roiban

Twisted-Python mailing list

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