Hi Glyph

On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 12:12 AM, Glyph <gl...@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:

> - Reviewing: This is the potentially slightly odd part.  I believe a
> review that doesn't result in acceptance should *close* the PR.

This feels wrong to me. I find github pull requests very useful, in ways
that it sounds like your suggestion would cut off - if I understand you
right. Do you mean that the one person who decides to do the formal review
would set themself as the "assignee" and, following their review, close the
ticket if the change isn't up to standard? And in the meantime others (who
are not the assignee) would be free to comment at will, with the pr staying
open? If so, that's good, but I still don't like to think that all
discussion around a pr then gets shut down on the say so of the single
reviewer. One thing that pull requests encourage is discussion - sometimes
it's a way to ask for input on how to proceed, sometimes it's just people
chipping in a little bit with a code optimization, sometimes people saying
"if you do this then this other thing will happen" etc. They help people
learn, to easily make small contributions (that can lead to larger ones),
to see what's going on, to judge the health of a project, etc. I like how
dynamic and lightweight that process can be in a Github pull request. It
feels to me that closing pull requests is a step in the other direction -
back towards something that feels more monolithic and more old fashioned.

As usual, I'm sure that there's absolutely nothing I can say on any tech
subject that you don't know already :-)  But those are my thoughts...

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