On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 5:41 PM, James Broadhead <jamesbroadh...@gmail.com>

> If you're planning on working on this,

We don't currently have plans to implement it ourselves; we're trying to
invoke the magic of open source. So far the feature requests we've gotten
have been all over the map (gevent <http://www.gevent.org/>/asyncio
that what's most important right now is just fostering the conversation
among everyone who is interested about what the desired behavior of gRPC
Python will be.

it'd probably be worth taking a look at the Twisted bindings for Thrift (a
> competing RPC system from FB, based on the Google PB paper).
> The generator[2] isn't the best place to start (imperative C++ that
> outputs python), but the code that it generates served us very well for
> years (generally, communicating twisted->cassandra, or twisted->scala
> services).
> [1] https://thrift.apache.org/
> [2] https://github.com/apache/thrift/blob/master/compiler/
> cpp/src/thrift/generate/t_py_generator.cc

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