OK. Thanks for the link.

That explains what is going on although I'm not too clear on the details.

What I was looking to do was set up an http session and when the browser
went away use that a the trigger to expire the session.

I didn't just want to set some arbitrary time frame to expire the session
but if they just exited the browser or browser tab I could use notifyFinish
to pick up the lost connection and I could then expire the session.

I have'nt  spotted any other info re sessions that would help with this.


John Aherne

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Cory Benfield <c...@lukasa.co.uk> wrote:

> > On 17 Oct 2016, at 08:46, John Aherne <johnahe...@rocs.co.uk> wrote:
> >
> > I have been running some tests to check some issue and have seen that
> notifyFinish is not being called in 16.4.1
> >
> > This is on Windows 10 using python 2.7.12
> >
> > Checking back it  is not called 16.3.0 but is in 16.2.0
> >
> > The test uses some sample code from Twisted web in 60 seconds that sets
> a timer to allow the browser to halt the request by using Escape and make
> notifyFinish  get called.
> >
> > Before I did anything else I thought I would check and see if anyone
> else was seeing this behaviour.
> Yup, this looks like a known issue: https://twistedmatrix.com/
> trac/ticket/8692
> Cory
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*John Aherne*

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