On 12/04/2017 14:21, catch me wrote:
Hey! I don't know I should ask this question or not but as a beginner I have to ask. I have just started learn python network programming and fortunately found such an amazing Twisted Framework.

Welcome! Glad you found Twisted, it really is awesome!

As a beginner I could not be able to decide where to start I mean what should I make first using twisted framework. I would be very thankful to you for guiding me.

I personally like telnet-like servers. They are very easy to make with the LineReceiver protocol (hint hint), and you can do a lot with them.

I guess the most basic one is some kind of echo server / client that simply echos back whatever you type.

For more help, don't forget the Twisted documentation and the examples therein on http://www.twistedmatrix.com

Pardon me for bad english!

Not to worry at all, everyone is welcome.

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