With more and more ecosystem projects on Github, more or less maintained by the 
same team that maintains Twisted proper, our "review keyword in trac" workflow 
is increasingly awkward.

Github itself has an individualized "review queue" of sorts - 
<https://github.com/pulls/review-requested> - where you can see open pull 
requests where your review has been requested.  What makes this particularly 
interesting is that you can request review from a team, rather than from an 

Of course, like everything interesting (ahem, labels), you need repo:write 
permission to do this, so we'd still need a bot.


It appears that the CODEOWNERS file - 
<https://help.github.com/articles/about-codeowners/> - can automatically 
request code reviews when pull requests touch relevant code - so we could add 
"* @twisted/$PROJECT-reviewers" to each project on that file and, I believe, 
have a fairly orderly review queue that can be seen in a nice unified view by 
each org member, and by using -reviewers teams, we could allow for folks to 
join or leave any individual repo review responsibility that they want.

Actually setting up all the stuff needed to test this requires more time than I 
have on my hands at the moment.  Does anyone else know for sure if this works 
as I imagine it would - specifically, that third party contributors would get 
an automatic review request opened, at least initially?

We might still need a bot to re-request reviews, but this seems like a much 
less ad-hoc way of doing this process migration than labels.

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