On 5/7/19 8:27 pm, Thomas Westfeld wrote:
Dear all,

I am having an issue with logging of my Twisted application. I am using the new
twisted.logger framework. The output produced by twist or twistd when runnning 
plugin is nice.
However when running a test suite using py.test I only get this as an output to

How are you running the reactor in your pytest suites? I've not found a
sane way to do this and so would recommend sticking with trial, crufty
and old though it feels...
Well actually I do not. I use the subprocess module to start the server using 
twist and then use requests in the tests to test the HTML server and compare 
the results with the expected results.

And yes py.test eats stdout but it is great as I need a good looking html test 
report which can be also customized and py.test gives me just this.

Sounds like there is no easy way of configuring a nice stdout log...

Oh, that's why.

If twist detects something that isn't a terminal, it outputs JSON because it's not a human looking at it, which is easier for logging systems to consume than straight text.

You can pass `--log-format=text` as a command line argument to twist to override this.

- Amber

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