On 2021-02-14 21:53, Craig Rodrigues wrote:

> Please test it, and let me know how your applications fare, good or bad!

Hi Craig,

Thanks for all the work to get us into the next Twisted release.


I went ahead and set pip_pre=true in pytest-twisted's tox.ini to try it
out and got warnings/errors with PyPy 3.7 about use of t.i.d.returnValue
claiming it should only be used in @inlineCallbacks decorated functions
even though the location complained about is such. Only PyPy 3.7, not
PyPy 3.6 nor CPython 3.7. Linux, macOS, and Windows all failed.


I also pulled a branch and PR off of the release branch and added PyPy
3.7 to the matrix. CI failed on PyPy 3.7.


test_returnValueNonLocalDeferred ... [FAIL]
test_returnValueNonLocalWarning ... [FAIL]

Ticketed as https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/10093.

Seems like it might be an easy special-case fix so I'll take a look. I
don't know if this qualifies as a releaser blocker or not, or if it can
get cherry picked into the release anyways. Others will have to weigh in
on that.  I guess it's basically just lack of support for a 'new' PyPy
version.  PyPy 3.7 beta was released in November and alpha in September.
 I understand choosing not to bother fitting this in, but after blowing
past CPython 3.8 and 3.9 released it would be nice to actually be all
around caught up.

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