I did check it again today:

is throwing a different exception today:

VM68:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: Twister is not defined
    at <anonymous>:1:1

So perhaps you are still messing with it.  ;-)

On Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 9:52:46 AM UTC-4, JM wrote:
> Thanks for the link to that site.  I did check out the 
> https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/test.html site, but on both Firefox and 
> Chrome (both current versions) it is throwing an exception, in case you 
> didn't see:
>    1. 
>    DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Element': 
>    '*,:x' is not a valid selector. at Error (native) at 
>    https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/build/jquery.min.js:2:10456 at ja (
>    https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/build/jquery.min.js:2:7344) at 
>    ga.setDocument (
>    https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/build/jquery.min.js:2:10194) at 
>    https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/build/jquery.min.js:2:21790 at 
>    https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/build/jquery.min.js:2:22510 at 
>    https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/build/jquery.min.js:2:207 at 
>    https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/build/jquery.min.js:2:212
>       1. code:12
>       2. message:"Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Element': 
>       '*,:x' is not a valid selector."
>       3. name:"SyntaxError"
>       4. stack:"Error: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Element': 
>       '*,:x' is not a valid selector.↵ at Error (native)↵ at 
>       https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/build/jquery.min.js:2:10456↵ at 
>       ja (https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/build/jquery.min.js:2:7344)↵ 
>       at ga.setDocument (
>       https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/build/jquery.min.js:2:10194)↵ at 
>       https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/build/jquery.min.js:2:21790↵ at 
>       https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/build/jquery.min.js:2:22510↵ at 
>       https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/build/jquery.min.js:2:207↵ at 
>       https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/build/jquery.min.js:2:212";
>       5. __proto__:DOMException
> Likewise in the Chrome console:
> > Twister.getUser("tschaul").doProfile(x=>console.log(x.getAllFields())) 
> VM278:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: Twister is not defined(…)(anonymous 
> function) @ VM278:1(anonymous function) @ jquery.min.js:2ja @ 
> jquery.min.js:2ga.setDocument @ jquery.min.js:2(anonymous function) @ 
> jquery.min.js:2(anonymous function) @ jquery.min.js:2(anonymous function) @ 
> jquery.min.js:2(anonymous function) @ jquery.min.js:2
> On Saturday, September 10, 2016 at 1:16:10 AM UTC-4, Julian Steinwachs 
> wrote:
>> No, the twister-lib.js file contains all needed node_modules. the one in 
>> the git-repo starts with the bencode package for example: 
>> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Tschaul/twister-lib-js/master/twister-lib.js
>> . Are you trying to use another module loader on top like webpack or 
>> systemJS? This second bread of module loaders (AMD-module loaders) was not 
>> around at the time i did the setup. I can imagine that they are 
>> incompatible.
>> I setup a test site at https://twister-proxy.tschaul.com/test.html where 
>> there is only the twister-lib.js files included. If you put e.g. 
>> Twister.getUser("tschaul").doProfile(x=>console.log(x.getAllFields())) into 
>> the console you should get my profile information pulled down. Maybe you 
>> can work your way back from there.
>> Also, do you have your source code public somewhere, that i could help 
>> you better.
>> Greetings
>> Tschaul
>> On 09.09.2016 22:19, JM wrote:
>> Am I right in understand that "twister-lib.js" is the browserify-d 
>> version of src/*  ?   But doesn't include anything from the node_modules? 
>> -- 
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