I'm tracking this issue here, for the record:

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 9:17 PM, Alex Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You entirely right Chris.  The onus is on us.  I'll get this fixed up
> tomorrow.  Sorry to anyone who lost time on this bug!
> On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 7:10 PM, Chris Thompson
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am the developer of Net::Twitter.
>> Or, at least, I was before I handed it off because I grew tired of trying to
>> keep up with the foibles of the API. But, since the new guy hasn't released
>> anything, my name is still on the most recent version. So I get emails from
>> people, and questions on irc.perl.org about this.
>> The problem in this case lies squarely on Twitter's side.
>> Alex says:
>>>Are you quite sure that you're making the request authenticated?  It
>>>will return a 404 if it can't authenticate you, because that URL
>>>doesn't specify a user ID to retrieve a timeline for and thus assumes
>>>that you want the timeline for the requesting user.
>> This is not how HTTP Auth works.
>> The correct handshake for a URL that needs Auth is:
>> 1) I request, with no WWW-Authenticate: header
>> 2) Server responds with a 401: Unauthorized and a WWW-Authenticate header
>> containing the realm
>> 3) I re-request with the WWW-Authenticate header containing user/pass
>> 4) Server decides that auth header is good, responds with a 200, or decides
>> it's bad and goes back to #2
>> Net::Twitter uses perl's libwww (LWP) which, in turn, implements the HTTP
>> protocol to spec. It doesn't send the WWW-Authenticate header until it sees
>> a 401. This is a specific part of HTTP as defined in RFC2617.
>> If you think about it in terms of a browser like firefox, the browser CAN'T
>> send an auth header until it is told it needs one, and it puts up an auth
>> popup with the Realm listed that it got from the 401.
>> LWP is doing the right thing, Twitter simply isn't asking for the auth.
>> If you use curl or wget from the command line to hit the user_timeline url,
>> it works. The reason for this is, you specify user and pass on the command
>> line and both curl or wget just jam the WWW-Authenticate header in there
>> whether it ever gets asked for it or not, violating RFC.
>> Same with Matt Sanford's perl using authorization_basic. This is not part of
>> LWP::UserAgent, but part of HTTP::Headers and what it does is force the
>> WWW-Authorize header into the request, always-on, just like curl and wget,
>> and yet again violating the RFC.
>> LWP is only "being finicky" if by finicky you mean "Implementing RFC2617 as
>> written".
>> I hate to be a pest on this, but the credentials code in Net::Twitter hasn't
>> changed at all since Net::Twitter 1.0.0 way back in March of 2007. You guys
>> are doing the right thing everywhere except user_timeline. If you had it
>> throw the 401 first, you'd get the auth. 404's just flat wrong here.
>> --
>> ------------------------
>> Chris Thompson
> --
> Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.
> http://twitter.com/al3x

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

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