No they didn't, Google is just using the Twitter API like everyone
else.  Google asks for your twitter name and password, which IMO is
flirting with "doing-evil".

I think that making Twitter an OpenID provider is going too far, I
would rather see Twitter be a Relying Party.  Having a reliable and
secure OpenID, then associating your twitter username and other
details to it is the best option, IMO.  It would be nice if the OpenID
providers stored this info and passed it along automatically to other

Also, people can change their twitter name, so it couldn't be in the
OpenID.  They would have to do a yahoo-ish implementation.

On Jan 5, 7:02 pm, "Andrew Badera" <> wrote:
> Twitter already partnered with Google's FriendConnect ...
> Thanks-
> - Andy Badera
> -
> - (518) 641-1280
> - Google me:
> On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 5:15 PM, Twitblogs <> wrote:
> > When twitter finally supports oauth what user autentication system
> > will they use? With our application we will remove the need for
> > username/password but that means users will need to still login to our
> > service for authentication.
> > Of course we could use Google Friend Connect or JanRain's RPXonline to
> > authenticate users but then we would have to map this user account to
> > the users twitter account via oauth. But it seems a missed opportunity
> > to me.
> > a RESTful address that could be an openid
> > endpoint.  The profile could support SREG. Twitter connect could be a
> > third party authentication service for 3rd party twitter developer
> > apps.
> > The two are not linked oauth on its own will be great but openid
> > (twitter connect) and oauth would be better.
> > What do you think?

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