That call works for me.  Using page=2 does indeed give me the next
page or results.

Are you sure you have a second page of results? One way to know if you
don't is if there are less than the count parameter results returned.
For instance, you have count=200. If only 152 updates are included in
the results, you know that you don't have another page. You should
receive an empty <statuses type="array"></statuses> if you are on a
page past where you have any results.

On Jan 8, 8:38 am, BarryCarlyon <> wrote:
> Greetings,
> Just trying to figure out what the page parameter does
> Im grabbing (and authenticating as me)
> I get stuff on page 1 but nothing on page 2, just wondering if
> a) I can find out how many pages are returned, if more than 1,
> b) what page actually does.....
> Yours
> Barry Carlyon

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