I don't think this is supported b/c friendship creation must be
initiated by a POST request, meaning that some deliberate action must
be taken on the part of the user (e.g. clicking a "Follow" button on
twitter's site).  I'm pretty sure this is intentional as it was
changed to act this way to prevent automatic follow spamming that was
occurring some time ago.

I think the best you can do is just point them to the user's profile
on twitter and hope that they login and click "follow".


On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Peter Denton <petermden...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a third party site and want to connect twitter users. I am not having
> them authenticate, its more of a listing service.
> Say I have a button that says "follow" by a profile on my site, and I want
> to just point at a URL on twitter that would create a friendship after they
> log in on twitter.
> So again, 1. I am on the third party site, 2. I click a link pointing at
> some URL like http://twitter.com/friendships/create/al3x, 3. I login to
> twitter on twitter.com and 4. I am now on twitter and a friendship has
> occured
> Thanks!

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